Tuesday, December 27, 2016

DIY Toothpaste for your Dog

A healthy natural way to clean your pooch's teeth

I am trying this recipe for the first time as I realize that my little Maltese deserves safe natural products just as the rest of the family. I picked parsley as it fights bad breath.


1/2 tablespoon baking soda
1/4 tablespoon crushed parsley leaves
1/4 tablespoon distilled water


Add crushed parsley leaves to the distilled water. Leave this mixture for 1 minute so that the goodness of the leaves infuses the water. Then strain the mixture into the baking soda. Stir this. Add a little more water if needed to achieve a semi liquid consistency. And that's all!

Brush your dog's teeth every other day with this mixture using a doggie toothbrush. Keep this paste in a closed container in the refrigerator. Since the ingredients are natural it's a good idea to use it up quickly.

Please do comment below to let me know about your experience.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

My Christmas Gift


This morning my daughter handed me a little bag - a succulent in a tiny terracotta pot, sitting snugly under layers of colored tissue paper. Just a few days ago, I had casually mentioned to her that I found succulents pretty, so I was totally bowled over when I opened my gift to find a beautiful polymer clay rendition of the real stuff. I think handmade gifts from your kids are the BEST. 😊

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas

Does it really matter how big or small a Christmas tree is? Here is a cute little tree created by my daughter. It looked so pretty I just had to post it. 


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Sky on the eve of first day of winter

                                             Sky on the eve of first day of winter:

                                             crimson blue skyline
                                             from dusk to night 
                                             into winter's first morning

It's Breakfast Time!

Enjoy this warm & earthy breakfast meal.:

Old fashioned Porridge


1 cup rolled oats
2 cups water
1/8 cup chopped almonds
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1-2 tablespoons milk (optional)
1 tablespoon raisins
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon powder
pinch of crushed cardamom
drizzle of honey


Bring water and almonds to a gentle boil. Add rolled oats, brown sugar, milk and cook on medium heat for 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat. Sprinkle raisins, cinnamon and cardamom and serve with a drizzle of honey.

I serve this for breakfast a couple of times a week. You can always tweak the recipe by adding other toppings such as fresh berries, walnuts or anything you fancy.

Rolled oats porridge may sound old fashioned but it is a wholesome and healthy meal. It's loaded with B vitamins, iron and manganese. It also provides soluble fiber which helps reduce cholesterol. And best of all, it is sodium and cholesterol free.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Fall Leaves:

An Autumn Haiku

the wind's been howling
all day long with the sun gone
leaves are going to fall

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Your own DIY All Purpose Cleaner

2 years ago I bumped into essential oils and the more I read, I realized their health benefits. I also started reading the ingredients on the commercial products more carefully as some of them are harmful for health. All purpose cleaners are such a necessity at keeping the house clean. So I decided to experiment. I picked Tea Tree oil because of its antibacterial and antiseptic properties as well as its eucalyptus like scent. I have been using it since then and still love it. It works great on counter tops and even on my laminate floors. The best part - it leaves the house smelling fresh. So go ahead, try and let me know if you liked it.

What you need:

2 cups distilled water
10-12 drops Tea tree oil
1 plasic spray bottle 

Shake the contents in the bottle and it is ready to use. 

Monday, December 12, 2016